Reference Comment in Formulas
Please add functionality to address comments via formula, such as =countif([Comments]@row, "No Change") to simply count how often in a row a project is listed as "No Change" or ho…4 · -
Simple Iteration
Please add iterators either from workflows or cyclic cell reference. For example if I wanted to increase a cell named [Count] by 1 every time a checkbox named [KPI] is checked, I could write a formul…1 · -
Re: Notification and capability to create report for all broken links (Cell Link References)
I would also be very interested in this, or even a test formula to throw a flag so that we can create a workflow for it. Something like =if(NOT(IsLink(@cell)),TRUE)2 · -
Re: Dashboard Improvement general post: for specific features find the related idea instead
I agree strongly as well. My company has standardized letterheads and pdf templates that I would like to set as backgrounds on dashboards and reports.3 ·